Anna Scott turned 4 months old on Saturday! She is a little busy bee these days with all she is learning to do... reaching and grabbing at objects, tracking with her eyes, and as of this morning, rolling over! She was playing on her play mat and rolled from her back to her belly and again over to her back in a span of 15 seconds! I was happy to catch this milestone on film. I could tell she was trying to roll, so I had the video camera out and ready. Now that our little roly poly has discovered something new, her day has consisted of rolling over and over and over again! :)
Some of her favorite things (there are many)... Baby Einstein, riding in the car and stroller, Flutterbug, holding her bottle (with help), Sophie, bath time, story time, music and singing, and of course her trusty wubbanub. She is smiling all the time, has started to giggle recently, and is still very vocal. I love when she gets so excited that she squeals and flaps those chubby legs! :) Also, this baby loves to sleep. She sleeps 9-12 hours every night and takes a couple of good naps a day. She is asleep now. She should be very well rested. I guess she's just been saving the energy to roll over...
Yea Anna Scott! :) She really did smile after she rolled over for the first time. Somehow she knew this was a good thing! Good thing for her that is... now I have to be extra careful and watch her every move. No more napping on Mommy and Daddy's bed. :)
Here are a few more recent snapshots...
Anna Scott isn't the only one rolling... the Crimson Tide is rolling as well. (cheesy I know) This past weekend was all about being lazy, watching football, and snacking non-stop. Well, I will say that on Saturday morning, Allison, Alan, Scott and I went for a run along Guntersville Lake. It was fun but it was work... besides that, we were lazy. My parents had everyone over and we had a great time watching all of the games and cheering Alabama to their second victory of the season over Penn State. We love watching the Tide Roll and Roll and Roll. All of us but Alan that is. Alan grew up a Tennessee fan and attended college at Auburn University. He cheers for both Tennessee and Auburn. So, despite being surrounded by houndstooth and crimson, he had a good Saturday too!

An extra exciting part of our weekend was a special visit from Granmom and Grandad (my dad's parents). This is their third time to see Anna Scott. We wish we could see them more often, but they live just north of Nashville, so it's a little further than the short trip to Arab. I am so thankful they are able to watch her grow through blog posts and pictures! These are two of the best people I know and we are so thankful to have them in our lives. Anna Scott is blessed to have 4 grandparents, 4 great-grandparents and 1 great great-grandparent. We took a few pictures after church on Sunday...
So, to wrap this up...
Happy 4 months Anna Scott! Keep on rolling...
Roll Tide Roll...
And, most of all, thank God for family. It was wonderful spending the weekend with all of you.