I don't like falling behind in my blogging, so to save some time, I am going to make this a "catchall" post. As much as I post, you would think I wouldn't be behind, but such is life. Hope you enjoy catching up as much as I do!
1. Father's Day: Scott had a wonderful Father's day weekend with his little girl. On Saturday, we drove to Memphis for a friend of mine (Holli's) little boy's second birthday party. You know us, we are up for traveling anywhere (especially by car). :) So, we enjoyed every second of the drive there and back (and the fun in between). Before the party, we had lunch at Gus's Fried Chicken, which happens to be one of Scott's favorite places to eat. If I haven't mentioned this before, allow me to explain something now. Things just seem to work out for Scott. Since we first met (a long time ago), it is amazing how things just go his/our way when he is around - so I married him. :) This is just a very small example. It just happened to be Father's Day weekend, and we just happened to be near a favorite restaurant of his. So, I had no choice in where we ate, and he had it made.
Happy day before Father's Day!
Here are a few daddy/daughter photos after church on Father's Day. Anna Scott is named after her daddy, looks and acts like her daddy, and seeing the two of them together just melts my heart. I have never loved anything so much.
Anna Scott really does have it made. I so anticipate the day when she can appreciate the wonderful man Scott is and everything he does for her (and me). My prayer is that, one day, she will choose to marry someone just like him. It will be hard to find better.
I wish I had a picture of Scott's 2012 Father's Day canvas. I will include it in a later post (along with the one from his first Father's Day). So technically, even after this post, I will still be behind. Yikes! :)
2. Pastel drawing: While I am on the subject of how wonderful my husband is, let me say that he did good on our 6th wedding anniversary. We were on our way to dinner, and he handed me a big envelope (that felt as though it was empty). I said, "What is this?" Of course, he wouldn't say and just told me to open it. To my surprise, I pulled out a beautiful drawing of Anna Scott. No, Scott didn't draw it, :) but he still did good. I had no idea. Last year, he gave me a diamond station necklace with 5 stations (representing 5 years). I love the necklace and wear it every day, but being the sentimental person that I am, this year's gift meant just as much.

3. Closing time: We closed on our new house on Monday, June 25th. It was a very exciting day! There is just one problem. We haven't sold our current house yet, and until we do, we will not be moving into the new house. I have mixed feelings about wishing our sweet little house would sell quickly. First of all, I love the house and can't imagine calling anywhere else "home." Secondly, the process of moving is just painful. Physically, emotionally, and mentally painful. This is something I do not look forward to. Lastly, we have a good bit of furniture to sell/buy once we move, and that calls for some tough decision making. All of that said, we are so excited about getting settled into something new. We will make so many memories there and will start to raise a family inside those walls. We are moving to a sweet and happy area of Homewood called Edgewood. It will be the perfect place to spend the next chapter of our lives. Here is our current home at 104 Raleigh Avenue. We moved in on July 4, 2007 (it was HOT!!!), so July 4th of this year was our 5th year anniversary in this house. My heart aches to think about pulling out of that driveway for the last time, but I know that it is not the house that makes the home, and I am thankful to be carrying my "home" with me.

4. Residency: I started my residency on Monday, June 25th. Does that date sound familiar? Yes, it is the same day we closed on our house. Big day, huh!? Radiology is a 5 year residency (one transitional year followed by 4 years of radiology). During my transitional year, I will rotate through a different service each month. For the month of July, I am on my Critcal Care/Pulmonary rotation. I see a lot of patients who need ventilator management and who are critically ill. Needless to say, I am experiencing a steep learning curve, but that is a good thing. I love learning something (really lots of things) new every day. I also love getting a paycheck (finally!). :) I will be doing radiology in August, staff medicine in September, emergency medicine in October, anesthesia in November, dermatology in December, surgery in January, staff medicine in February, ambulatory medicine in March, night float in April, pathology in May, and emergency medicine in June. Then next July, I will start doing radiology full force. So, there you have it... my next five years. :)

5. Sweet days with Owen: I am so blessed that my friend Kristin is keeping Anna Scott. She has a baby boy named Owen (we went to his first birthday party not too long ago), and he is one month younger than Anna Scott. Kristin recently decided to be a stay-at-home mom, and she keeps both of our babies at her house every day of the week. They have so much fun together, and Kristin does lots of activities with them...
They colored these hearts for Father's Day.
They painted these American Flags with their hands and feet.
They visit the Homewood Library for storytime and sing-a-longs.
They have busy days, sleepy days, and even some messy days! :)
But ALL of their days are SWEET days!
6. First boo-boo: Anna Scott got her first boo-boo (that required a band aid) a couple of weeks ago. She did not like that mean ole' band aid and wouldn't do anything with her injured hand. It was so funny.
7. Cooper's Birthday Party: Anna Scott had a great time at Cooper's 2nd birthday party. Cooper is my childhood friend Jennifer's little boy. It was so hot outside, as you can tell by Anna Scott's face in the last picture. :)
8. The Fourth of July: The weekend before the 4th of July, we shot fireworks with some friends. They were spectacular!
On the 4th, we met Allison and Alan at some good friends of ours - the Dicksons' - condo in Tuscaloosa (the perfect spot between Jackson and Arab/Birmingham). It is an awesome atmosphere for a cookout and fun by the pool. We had a wonderful time catching up, and Anna Scott loved spending the day with Aunt Allison.
That night, we took Anna Scott to the park, and she watched the fireworks from her wagon. Her face looked about like this the entire time. She also said, "Ooooo!" a lot. I felt sorry for her when we wheeled her away. She kept looking for more fireworks. I told her that all good things must come to an end. She completely understood. :)
9. Snapshots: Here are some snapshots I have taken of Anna Scott over the past month. She will be 14 months old on Tuesday. I don't want to steal the show from my "14 Months" post, but I will say this: Anna Scott has really "grown up" from 13 to 14 months old. She is saying more, doing more and she is the funniest person I know (well, maybe second to her daddy). More to come!
Ok, I think that catches you up on our little life. Until next time...