Ok, this post is really long. Anna Scott turned 16 months old on the 10th of September. This is such a fun age. Everyday is a new adventure. Everyday, I am amazed at something she says or does. Everyday, I wonder what she will do today. Everyday, I pinch myself because I still can't believe she's mine. Everyday, I love her a little more than yesterday. And everyday, I am amazed that, as much as I love her, God loves her so much more. I am thankful to Him for blessing Scott and me with this precious, fun-loving, beautiful baby girl. Here are just a few of the things I love about Anna Scott at 16 months (and many some pictures too):
- I love her contagious smile and her bubbling laughter.
- I love her pretty blue eyes and her sweet head of curls.
- I love that space between her two front teeth.
- I love her little fat rolls and her skin so soft.
- I love her sweet look of innocence.
- I love watching her toddle around. There is no sound sweeter than her little footsteps.
- I love that she is so smart, inquisitive and enjoys learning. She loves to recite her Baby Einsteen flashcards to make sure she doesn't forget and (most importantly) to make sure we know that she knows them. :) She loves to tell you her name... "Nana" and hold up one finger to tell you how old she is. She can count to two while holding up the correct number of fingers and she knows her first 2 letters of the alphabet (A and B). She is trying to learn her colors. She knows green, but that is the only one she says consistently. She knows her body parts and loves to show us where our knee, eye, etc are. She knows most of her animal sounds. It is amazing how much she understands when we talk to her.

- I love that she loves to read. She flips those pages and really imitates an adult reading a book. Her inflection is to die for. I could sit and watch her "read" all day. Sometimes, I will let her wander through the house for a minute (when I can still hear her). Once it is quiet, I will get up to see where she is, and it never fails. She is always sitting in her nursery reading a book by herself. So content.
- I love when she brings a book to us, telling us to read it to her.
- I love that she is independent but still lets Mama and Dada know she loves us.
- I love that she shakes her head "no" to almost every question, but that when she really means no she says "No."
- I love that she looks so much like her Daddy but how there are times I look at her and see myself.
- I love that we can really play together now. She loves playing peek-a-boo. She will hold her hands over her eyes for the longest time (all the while, grinning and looking at me through her little fingers) until finally, she reveals "Here I am!" :)
- I love the things she says. For grapes, she says, "Bapes." She can't pronounce her Ls yet, and it's the cutest thing. Also, for fish she says "sish." Those are just a few of my favorites.
- I love that when she sees the camera, she automatically smiles and says, "Cheeeeese!"
- I love that she can be so serious.
- I love how she says "Shhhh" and puts her finger to her mouth if she sees a baby (or adult) sleeping.
- I love that she when it comes to eating, she will try anything, and she likes what you would expect anyone to like. The good stuff. She will let you know when something tastes good by saying, "Mmmmm." :)
- I love that she loves to chomp on ice. She would rather have ice than anything. I am sure it is good for her teeth. :) (she still has 12 teeth)
- I love that she sings with us now and tries to make out some words in the songs we sing over and over again.
- I love that she says "again" after singing her favorite songs and how I can't help but keep singing to make her happy.
- I love that when we sing, "one little, two little, three little indians" she tries to use her fingers to count.
- I love her sense of humor. When we were at the beach, there was a little girl wearing a weird hat that had a long bill and ear flaps to protect her from the sun. Anna Scott pointed at her without missing a beat and said, "Duck!" Then, she looked at me and grinned.
- I love that she makes me laugh until my tummy hurts. She is so funny.
- I love when she looks at me, points, smiles and says "Mama" and I love that when she cries, she always cries for Dada.
- I love to watch her rock her baby.
- I love her BIG little temper (though it is hard to battle at times) and that when we are making her mad, she warns us by saying "Uh Oh."
- I love when she points her little finger at our dog (and sometimes us) and says "No, No, No."
- I love that if she is tired enough, she can fall asleep anywhere - amazes me.
- I love that she will say Roooooollllllll all day long but NEVER puts TIDE on the end. :)
- I love that she loves ball ball ball and music music music. Those are things I want her to love!
- I love that she takes the remote control (that we have now taken the batteries out of) and points it at the TV trying her best to change the channel, though she never succeeds. :)
- I love that she loves to dance with daddy (she loves to dance in general).
- I love that when she has a dirty diaper or we mention changing her diaper, she shakes her head and says, "Shew!"
- I love that when I ask her where Dada is she says "Work. Tie." :) She knows he wears a tie to work.
- I love that instead of giving her baby a bottle, she would rather just take the bottle herself.
- I love that she says "Amen" at the end of her bedtime prayers and then says, "nite nite" in the sweetest, softest voice."
- I love that she loves to brush her own teeth.
- I love her obsession with the moon.
- I love that she loves playing with her toys and that her favorite is her cozy coup car. She calls it her "beep beep."
- I love that she is my world. :)
- I love that now that she is walking, she will look at us, say "Bye Bye," turn and walk away. :)
- I love that when I ask her how much Mama loves her, she throws both arms high in the air.
- I love that when something surprises her or when she sees something big or fun or exciting, she says "Oh Wow!"
- I love that she points to our pictures around the house and says "Mama, Dada, and My" (me). :) Sometimes she says "baby" for her. It's always "baby" or "my." One morning, not long ago, she looked in her nursery mirror and after I had finished getting her dressed, smiled and said, "My Baby."
- I love knowing that at 18 months, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 16 years...., there will be a whole new list of things to love.
...and most of all, I love that she is Anna Scott Laney. She's the little girl I always dreamed I would have. She is perfect in every single way, and I can't imagine life without her. It is amazing that someone so small can take up so much room in my heart. Thank you, God, for giving me this precious angel. I promise to give her all the love my heart can give, every single day, knowing that tomorrow, I will love her just a little more.