I can't believe my sweet baby doll is now closer to three than two! Her Daddy and I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday, and we just thought we loved her then. We grow more in love with this child each day. She is an absolute joy in each and every way! She is bubbling with personality. She is so excitable, always has the best time, and puts her whole heart into whatever she is doing. I don't know how we lived without her. Life just gets sweeter all the time! Skip all of the pictures (if you would like), but do scroll down to read some of the funnies at the bottom. Maybe it will give you a good laugh (or at least make you smile).
I am just a bit behind on blogging (what's new), so this will (once again) be a catch up post and one to share a little about Anna Scott at this precious age.
My parents took Allison and me to Disney on Ice each year when we were younger. Continuing the tradition, we took Anna Scott for the first time a few weeks ago, and she fell in love with everything Disney all over again. She was in awe for the entire duration of the show. Her eyes were on the ice, and our eyes were on her. :)
Of course, she loved Mickey and Minnie. Her other favorite parts of the show were Sleeping Beauty being awakened by her true love's kiss and Cinderella's beautiful carriage. We are still talking about these parts of the show... every single day.
Anna Scott recently attended a birthday party at the Museum of Flight. She had a great time and made such a cute little pilot.

She is still loving dance class. She went through a few weeks (about two months ago), when she did not want to go to dance. She cried and cried. So, we told her that all she had to do was stand on her dot. As long as she didn't cry, she could just stand on her dot and did not have to dance at all. So, the next week, Scott took her to dance after work. I got off a little later and called to talk to her while they were driving to dance class. I said, "Hey Anna Scott, what are you doing?" She said, "I am going to dance class to sit on my dot." :) And, that is just what she did. For two weeks in a row, she just sat there. Her teacher asked her if she would stand up so that she could get her costume measurements. Anna Scott just looked up at her and said, "Nope." So funny. We told her she just had to sit on her dot, and that is all she was going to do. She has started to dance again now, so we will see how long it lasts until our next meltdown.
Anna Scott loves to ride her pink tricycle.
Anna Scott loves to doctor her babies, but she likes to "be doctored" even more. She is just so pitiful when she is playing sick and is in desperate need of a doctor's care. She was really sick a few weeks ago (with her first virus that caused her to vomit several times). The first time she vomited, I got the thermometer to take her temperature. Afterwards, she kept saying, "Mommy measured me." :) The next few days, each time she would feel bad, she would say... "Measure me to make me feel better. I need you to measure me." She thought she was being "measured" when she was having her temp taken and she thought it was going to help her feel better. She was a little mixed up, but it was so cute.
She did know to tell me that she needed medicine. Fortunately, the best medicine for sick little girls and boys is love, hugs and kisses from their mommies and daddies. After lots and lots of "medicine," Anna Scott felt much better.
Anna Scott is full of music. She loves to sing, dance and play her instruments. She will sing song after song the whole way through - songs I didn't even know she knew! She definitely shares the love of music that runs in our family. One funny tune she sang after school one day was the "McDonalds, McDonalds, a Taco Bell and a Pizza Hut" song. We were all in the kitchen and she was sitting in her high chair, when all of a sudden, she started singing this song (and doing the hand motions!). Scott and I just looked at each other and laughed. She loves so many songs that it is hard to say she has a favorite. Two she sings a lot are "Wheels on the Bus" and "If You're Happy and You Know it."
She has a song in her little heart for everything she sees. When she sees a star at night, she sings "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." She sees a bus or big van, "Wheels on the Bus." She sees a policeman, "I'm a Policeman Dressed in Blue." We bake muffins, "Do you know the Muffin Man." She sees Alabama (or any football) on TV, "Yea Alabama." We put her in her car seat to drive somewhere, "Here we go, one more time" - yes, by N'Sync. You get the picture. :)
In addition to songs, Anna Scott loves nursery rhymes, books, and watching videos/movies. She loves to play in her tent.
Here she is before Ruthie and Harris' birthday party earlier in September.
Just enjoying a banana popsicle before leaving the house. It was SO HOT that day!
Can you tell by her wet hair and red face??!?
Scott and I went to College Station for the Alabama vs. Texas A&M game. While we were away, Anna Scott stayed in Madison, MS with Aunt Allison! There was a big neighborhood festival just outside Allison's front door for Anna Scott to enjoy that Saturday. Here she is on the firetruck in her pink fireman's hat.
Bounce house fun at the festival!
Anna Scott had fun meeting all of the neighborhood children this summer and playing with them on pretty afternoons and weekends. She loves the older girls and they are very nice to let her play with them. She would say, "I want to go play with my friends like a big girl." I am sad now that it is dark so early (and getting so cold). We will miss these fun summer days.
One Saturday morning, Anna Scott decided she wanted to play in her crib with her stuffed animals. She is really into pretend play right now. She talks to them, bosses them around, sings to them, doctors them, puts them in time out, has picnics with them, you name it.
This was during one of our last park trips this summer. She is still a big fan of the park. She plays her little heart out.
Did I mention she is quite the dare devil? This is a pretty tall slide, and she swings at the top every time. Makes my heart skip a beat.
My baby loves to read.
This is her chasing Daddy down the stairs one night. She follows him everywhere! Such a Daddy's girl.
Building blocks! She has just started to really love these.
We celebrated Mama D's birthday in early September.
Just a quick pic of my sweet after-work play mate! So much fun.
Now, here is the good stuff...
Some of my favorite things she says right now (or has said over the past few months):
"Sorry, I was just trying to help you."
"Mommy, you are silly billy."
"Want to play with me, Mommy?" When I reply, "Yes, I would love to." She says, "Well play with me then."
She will tell me what we are going to do then say, "Sound like fun?" or "Sound like a good plan?"
"No thank you, I'm good."
"I've gotta have a kiss (or hug)."
One day, Scott was playing candy crush on his phone. She asked him, "What ya doin, Daddy? He told her. She said, "Playing candy crush like Ms. Nina?" (that's her teacher at school) I thought it was funny that she knew her teacher played candy crush.
She knows where she was born, and each time we pass brookwood hospital, she starts talking about the day she was born just like she can remember it all. We have talked about that day a lot, so she tells the story quite well.
"Bley class" (ballet class)
There are twins in Anna Scott's class at school (boy and girl). Their names are Holcomb and Riley. Anna Scott refers to them as the same person - Holcomb-Riley." So funny to me!
If you follow the blog, you know my Dad recently when on a medical mission trip to Guatemala. My mom stayed with us a few nights while he was away. One night, Anna Scott put Mom's high heals on, grapped a bag, walked toward the front door and said, "See you later! I'm going to Guatemala!"
Anna Scott's teacher texts me funny little things all of the time. Anna Scott is wearing big girl panties
during the day at school (and most of the time at home). She is doing quite well with tee teeing in the potty. However, she is not a fan of pooping in the potty. One day at school, she actually pooped in the potty. Ms. Nina said, "Anna scott, I am soooo proud of you! You are such a big girl!" Anna Scott just looked at her with a straight face and said, "Fix my ponytail." Bossy, are we? The only other time she has pooped in the potty at school, Ms. Nina cheered for her again and said, "Anna Scott do you know what you just did?" Anna Scott said, "Yes, I just did this" - and pushed her little bottom out and grunted. Oh me....
She loves watching you tube videos of songs/movie clips/etc. There is always a commercial at the
beginning, which you can skip after 5 sec. Every time the add starts, she says, "Please skip the commercicable." :)
When I have to discipline her, one of two things happen: either she apologizes for her behavior about 5 or 10 minutes later (out of nowhere). "I am sorry I was bad Mommy." "I am sorry I cried, Mommy." That's on a good day. Other times, she will procede to lecture me on how I need to be nice.
I love how she repeats the phrases that I say, without me even knowing she is picking up on such little things. Like, the above statement, "No thanks, I'm good." I say that all of the time. Many times, I will tell her, "Anna Scott, there's only one option." (like when I am trying to get her to eat her food or go to bed etc) So, when she is playing with her babies and stuffed animals (and bossing them around), she will say, "You have to eat your food. That's the only one question!" (meaning option)
One Friday afternoon, I walked into her classroom to pick her up. She looked up at me and said, "Blake is coming over to spend the night. Sound like a good plan?" Two years old, going on 13.
Last but not least (and in keeping with this Thanksgiving holiday as well as the upcoming Iron Bowl on Saturday), we have been talking about the word "Thankful." What it means to be thanful, all that we have to be thankful for, and the people to whom we should give thanks. Our home thanksgiving craft has been a construction paper turkey. I have asked Anna Scott to name someone or something she is thankful for every day during the month of November. With a little help (I admit), she has come up with a good list (half of our feathers are posted on the picture below). One day, on the way home from school, Scott asked her, "Anna Scott, what are you thankful for today?" She said, "Haha." He said, "Haha?" She said, "Yes, he plays for Alabama." :)