Here at My Fair Laney, we have said good-bye to our winter scarves and hats,
and said Hello to Springtime!!!! (thank God for you!!!)
I am so thankful for Springtime (or just the month of March for that matter). After a couple of very busy work months in January and February, March is not only welcomed for its warmer weather and buds in bloom, but also for less time at work for me.
The month of March started with a few chilly days (no pun intended). The photo below is of Scott's group (from the bank) at the chili cook-off for the Exceptional Foundation. Though they almost froze to death, it was a great day for eating lots of chili. After everyone had sampled and the votes were in, his team came in 5th place out of 100!
It wasn't long until the weather started to warm up just a bit. Spring was finally "in the air."
So far in March...
Aunt Allison came to Birmingham to visit for a few days. We enjoyed spending time with Allison and Emme.
This photo was taken just before she said, "I love you, slide!"
Anna Scott's friend McNeill celebrated her 2nd birthday. Anna Scott took lunch and birthday cookies to Mc's house on her birthday. They had grilled cheese sandwiches from Urban Cookhouse and sugar cupcake cookies from Savages. Yummy!
Sweet hugs for the birthday girl!
Anna Scott started school for the first time on Monday, March 4th! She is the newest member of the Early Learning Center at Mountain Brook Baptist Church. She goes to school 3 days a week, and my mom keeps her the other days. Here she is on her first day of school.
Anna Scott loves school. She has adjusted so well. She naps well, eats well, talks to/plays with her friends and has a good time. I have enjoyed reading the "daily review" from her teacher to find out how she did and what she learned. One day, she learned that God made the sun, moon and stars. I asked her on the way home who made these things, and she said, "God." So sweet. She talks about her friends and calls them by name. Yesterday, she and her classmates were on the outdoor playground when I picked her up. I just stood and watched for a little while before I let her see that I was there. It was so sweet to watch her play and interact with the other children her age. I think she will love school, like I always have. Who knows, maybe she will want to be in school forever a really long time like her mom! :)
Bunny with a pager. Funny girl.
I had so much fun picking out her little backpack, lunch box, and other school necessities. I enjoy getting her things ready each night for school the next day and dressing her in the mornings. I know this will wear off with time, but let me enjoy it while it lasts!
I ordered this sweet pillow online and Scott's mom made a nap roll to match. It turned out so cute!
On the first day of school, Anna Scott got a little boo boo on her left knee. She was concerned about it in the bath tub that night. Bless her heart. This was her first scraped knee.
I took the next picture on our way to school one morning. Every time Anna Scott wears her sunglasses, she puts them on upside down. The funny thing is, she thinks (and acts like) they are just perfect. I guess they serve the purpose either way! Ha! Anna Scott is really too cool for school. :)
We spent last weekend in Jackson, MS visiting Aunt Allison and Uncle Alan. Their house is actually about 10 miles north of Jackson, in Madison, so we spend most of our time there when we visit. Madison is such a beautiful place and we feel like we are on a true vacation when we are there. I never want to leave. The food is delicious, the shopping is fabulous and well, Allison is there! :) Our first stop on this visit was Mama Hamil's - Delicious home-cooked vegetables, meats and breads. All.You.Can.Eat. Anna Scott ate more than she has ever eaten! She was about 4 bites into her vegetables when the waitress walked by to see how we were doing. Anna Scott looked up at her with a mouth full of food and said, "I like it." :) We had to have our picture made on this tractor outside the restaurant.
Strawberry Patch Park is a wonderful place to be. Between the pond and ducks, the sand, the play grounds and the airplanes (that fly over frequently due to a nearby airport), Anna Scott is in her own little heaven. We love playing at the park and spend a lot of our time there when we are in Madison.
Anna Scott had not been wading in the water (below). Her pants just would not stay down during all of the running around. :)
Allison has met a good friend in Jackson whose husband is in residency with Alan. She has a 3 year old boy and he came to play with Anna Scott. Precious play date.
She played so hard.
Anna Scott loves to color, so I have decided to break out the side walk chalk. It turns out, she is a great little artist.
It was nice to play outside on such a pretty day. We have enjoyed all of our indoor activities but we are ready to be outdoors!
Anna Scott loves to play with her "animals." I was doing a few things around the house while she played in her nursery. I went to check on her after several minutes and found this. She had pulled all of them out of the drawer and lined them up on her dresser. Notice that her WubbaNub paci is amongst them. :)
Another inside activity. One that she will probably dislike more and more as she gets older. :)
I have spent a little time getting ready for Easter, but due to the fact that we are moving to a new house next week (before Easter), my efforts have been subpar. It's the thought that counts, right?! I have actually enjoyed the ability to use "We are moving!" as an excuse.
I love the sweet Easter towel. I can't wait to hang it in my new kitchen soon!
Empty moss basket. Not like me during Spring, but we are moving! :)
I did put up an Easter tree, because I knew Anna Scott would enjoy it as well as the pretty easter eggs.
I was able to use the napkins and table runner (which I did not iron) from Anna Scott's 1st birthday party to decorate my easter table. Still love those sweet napkin rings.
I did get around to framing these sweet pictures of Anna Scott from last year (her first Easter)...
She took the Easter Bunny a carrot.
Did someone say BUNNY?!?! Anna Scott loves bunnies (and her Mommy does too), so there are quite a few in the nursery at Easter.
I was out shopping the other day and found this sweet bunny pen to use during the Easter holiday. I'll be expecting some funny looks when I pull this out of my purse. :)
MY sweet little BUNNY is ready for Easter!
It will be the first holiday we spend in our new house.
Lots more to come!