My little toddler sure is talking up a storm. She is such a little smartie pants. :) I want to share some of the things she has said lately so that those of you who enjoy reading can have a good laugh and most of all, so that I can remember all of these sweet moments (and share them with her) one day. Enjoy...
First things first, Anna Scott knows the many stories in the bible (the ones that kids learn at a young age) already. She loves reading about creation, Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, Moses, Abraham, Daniel and the Lions, Joseph and his coat, David and Goliath, and Jonah and the whale. We were driving to Arab a few weekends ago and it was raining (imagine that). Had been raining a lot that week. Without being prompted, she said, "It's gonna rain forty days and forty nights." :) Made me so happy that she does listen to her bedtime stories!
She sings so many songs - the whole way through. Sometimes, it is like she is a record singing song after song after song. We never know when she is finally going to stop. :) But that's not all. She uses phrases to songs in conversation. Let me explain. We woke up one Saturday morning and the first thing she said to Scott was, "Do you know the Muffin Man daddy?" She also says, "Have you ever seen a Lassie Mommy?" She loves watching and listening to her Praise Baby dvds. There is a song called, "Born to Worship" on one of them. Every once in awhile, she will say, "I was born to worship, Mommy." I just say, "Yes you were Anna Scott. Yes you were." :)
Thanks to her Daddy, she knows 6 positions (player names and what positions they play) on Alabama's football team. Ask her sometime. She will tell you without missing a beat. She may know the whole first string by the time the season starts. I am so thankful Scott is teaching her these things. Will make such a difference in her life! :)
She knows the Alabama fight song. Well, 80% of it. She does miss a few words or mispronounce a few words here and there, but she does get through the whole thing and you can tell what she is trying to say. Practice makes perfect. Hopefully, I can share this on video sometime soon. It is amazing to hear her sing through the whole thing.
She sings "Take me out to the Ball Game" and says "..... for it's root, root, root for the Red Sox, if they don't win it's a shame!" Her Daddy has taught her well.
At church one morning, as I was getting her out of the car, I said, "Anna Scott, you need to be very nice in church and when you see people, smile and wave." She looked up at me without missing a beat and said, "Oh! It's a parade!" Oh me...
Anna Scott loves to listen to Rick and Bubba on her way to school in the morning. She really does. Listens to them without making a peep and asks each morning for Scott to turn the radio to Rick and Bubba. She also sings the Rick and Bubba song. Now, THAT is funny. This child cracks me up. The best part is "It's all up in da house!"
At school one day, Anna Scott's teacher was helping her make a mobile to hang in her classroom. She asked Anna Scott who she wanted to pray for so that they could list the people on the mobile. She said "Mommy, Daddy, and Jesus." Precious.
She loves to tell me that she is being patient, especially when I am taking a little longer to do something than she would like. "I'm being patient Mommy."
Instead of singing her to sleep, I talk her to sleep. She wants me to talk about all of the fun things we have done lately (dating all the way back to her birthday party). She loves hearing all of it over and over again. She says, "Talk." I say, "What do you want to talk about?" She says, "Talk a Molly's party" or "talk a Eason's party" or "talk a the park" or "talk a school today" or "talk a the beach." Talk a - whatever she wants to hear about that night. If I stop talking and she isn't asleep yet, she says, "Talk it again." :) I just talk and talk until she is fast asleep. Do I get tired of talking? Yes. Do I know I will wish I could talk again when she doesn't want to hear me talk anymore? You bet.

Anna Scott loves people and thinks everyone is her friend. Wherever we go, if other kids are there, she says, "All of my friends came!" or "Let me play with all of my friends!" When someone leaves and she notices they aren't there anymore, she says, "Where'd my friend go?" She loves nothing more than to be surrounded by all of her friends.
I love how she says certain things: "Over dere" (there), "captain lunch" (crunch), "big gore" (girl) - I love how she uses the "ore" sound for "er" - it may be the sweetest thing I have ever heard, "Wiggally Piggally" (for Piggly Wiggly) - she passes the Piggly Wiggly on the way to school every morning, "berry berry" (very very) - she doesn't say it just once - always twice, "monkey jars" (monkey bars). There are so many more but these are some of my favorites.
She says, "That's my jam," when a song comes on the radio that she likes. It was just, "That's my song." Now, "song" has been changed to "jam." We can thank her daddy for this one too.
We were sitting in a restaurant and had waited on our food for too long one evening. I think she could tell that Scott and I were aggravated by how we were acting and talking with each other. We said a few things like, "I can't believe it is taking this long." But, we never said exactly what she said (which is why it was so funny.) She must have been hungry too because all of a sudden she said, "We've had enough!" ha!
She is fascinated with fire trucks (and a little scared of them). She was eating lunch at a restaurant one day and saw a fire truck speed by (sirens, lights, and all). She talked about it but didn't say anything out of the ordinary. Just a few minutes later, another fire truck drove by with it's sirens screaming and lights flashing. She said (at the top of her lungs) "Another fire truck!?!? I can't believe it!!!" Everyone in the restaurant stopped and smiled.
Anna Scott loves to say that things are too loud. Even if they aren't. It has actually been embarrassing when she has told people who I am talking to that they are too loud (while simultaneously plugging her ears). If she ever tells you that you are too loud, just know it is one of the things she loves to say. Most of the time it is in context, but she will take it a little too far at times.
Love when she says, "How bout that?!" or "Oh my goodness!" or "That's amazing!" or "I had a great day at the ...." or "I had a great time at the ..." or "It's a little bit too hot (or too cold)" or "Let me have just a little bit" or "Where we goin, Mommy?" - says this all of the time, or "Thank you for (whatever I did)" Just all of the sweet toddler phrases!
The child loves banana popsicles. I will often tell her not to ask for more (after she has had two already). So, she likes to tell me while I am eating (anything), "Don't ask for more." Maybe I should listen to her more often. :)
Her teachers at school tell her that she "made a bad choice" when she does something wrong at school. They are just trying to teach her about choices. You know how that goes. Well, she has started telling me that I have made a bad choice. As much as I shouldn't, I just have to laugh. She always says it in context. It is so funny. She says it with her face scrunched and eyebrows lowered - "That's a bad choice Mommy. A really bad choice." Oh my!
She will often end sentences with "I sink" (instead of think). For example, "That is milk in my cup, I sink." That is one of my very favorite things she says. What is so funny is that she says it after statements that she knows are true. She just likes to put "I sink" at the end.
She gets "hold you" and "hold me" mixed up. She is always uncertain of who is holding who. At church this weekend, during baby dedication, she said, "Look, that little baby is holding the preacher." Of course, it was the other way around.
About a week ago, we had some free time together at home. I said, "Anna Scott, let's work on your shapes." She said, "Ok!" She got her shapes puzzle out, reached straight for the octagon, picked it up and said, "This is an octagon, Mommy." I just smiled and said, "Ok, maybe you can teach me instead." :)
When I peal a banana, she says, "Leave the paper on it." She means peeling. She wants to hold the "paper" on the bottom half while she eats the top half. I would teach her that it is peeling, not paper... but that wouldn't be near as fun.
Before she does or says something, lots of time she'll preface it by saying, "I gone say..." and telling you what she's going to say or do before she actually says or does it. You kind of have to be there for this one to understand, but it is something I will always remember.
She doesn't like doing two things at once, especially if she is really enjoying something. For instance, if she is eating a banana popsicle and I tell her to give me kiss, she will tell me "I am still eating my nana popsicle right now." Ok then. :) By the way, her favorite ice cream flavor is "Nilla." :)
She will tell me she wants something, then out of habit (or normalcy) I will just repeat and say, "Oh okay, you want to play outside?" If I do repeat her like this, she answers, "Uh Huh, Yes I do!" Like, I meant it the first time... why are you asking me again?!
She is funny about her boo boos. She wants them covered! Has a come apart if they aren't.
She loves to tell me to do things faster/slower. She is into that right now. She also loves to tell me when traffic lights are red and that I can "GO" when they turn green.
She knows that Saturday and Sunday are different than other days of the week. She will often talk about doing something fun or going to see Allison or the grandparents and say, "We'll do that Saturday or Sunday."
I am so in love with this little girl. Life gets just a little more precious every day. I am thankful to have been blessed with such a wonderful gift. Motherhood is more amazing and fulfilling than I ever thought possible. Someone once told me, "Raising a child is like having your own heart walking around outside of your body." I could not agree more. She is my heart, my everything. Don't you know that God feels the same way about His children times one million! He is jealous for us and loves us so much. I can't help but think of how He loves us when I think about my love for Anna Scott.
My Dad says there are two prayers you should pray, above all, for your life. One: "God, I am Your child and Your possession." Two: "God, I am Your servant. Use me for Your glory." Therefore, I have started to pray these two prayers for Anna Scott's life. As much as I love her, I have to remember that she is God's child. He loves her so much more than even I can imagine. I hope and pray that He will use her in a mighty way, all the while, preparing my heart for whatever and wherever that may be.