Will turned six months old on December 12th. I do believe that was the fastest half year I have ever experienced.
My sweet boy started sitting up on his own right before his six month birthday. He has been a little unsteady until now (almost 7 months old), but he was able to sit up long enough to snap his 6 month picture (and smile at the same time).
When Anna Scott turned 6 months old, we celebrated with her first cupcake and the "Happy Half-Birthday" song. So, we did the same for Will, with big sister's help of course.
She also got a cupcake all to herself.
Will puts everything he touches into his mouth. Anna Scott was not one to put things in her mouth, so this is new to us, and we are going to have to watch this little boy like a hawk. Ironically, the first thing he has not tried to eat is this cupcake. I could not make him take a "bite." :)
He did like the texture, and he made a beautiful mess.
On the other hand, Anna Scott really enjoyed her cupcake. She lives for sweets.
(and I don't blame her)
Just a side funny: A dentist visited Anna Scott's school not long ago, and ever since, she's been worried about cavities. After every sweet she eats, she asks, " Do I have cavities?" We tell her no. She is not satisfied (or doesn't believe us). So she opens her mouth and asks, "On top?" We tell her no. She asks, "On bottom?" We tell her no. Then, she is satisfied.
At Will's 6 month check-up, he was a little nervous about his weight gain, since he has been taking bottles like a champ, taking rice cereal in every bottle, and staying up later than he should for an extra bottle some nights. Shame shame shame.
He was at exactly 50th percentile for weight at 17 pounds and 12 ounces, so right at average for a 6 month old baby boy. Is it just me, or is that scale getting shorter and smaller? :)
His face says just how he felt about getting out on a cold Monday morning to go see his doctor (and get 4 shots!)
"Really, Mom?"

So, what has Will been up to since he turned 6 months old?
He has been strengthening his muscles to be able to sit up on his own, without falling over when reaching for a toy or turning his head.
He's been smiling, smiling, and smiling some more. He smiles at anyone who will smile at him, and even at those who aren't smiling at him. He really is as sweet as they come.
He has been trying his best to crawl, though he's not quite there yet. I expect him to take off any day. He is definitely up on all fours, moving back and forth and back and forth, until he finally gives up, falls on his tummy, and starts scooting in the direction he needs to go.
He's been laughing while showing off those (bottom) two front teeth!
...and posing in his birthday suit.
He has started to become very interactive with his toys. He enjoyed Christmas (as much as a 6 month old can) - as you will see soon in my Christmas post. He got lots of new toys (BOY TOYS) and he has been playing with cars, balls, and trains that go choo choo! He loves musical toys. This baby also loves to jump in his jumper!
He is still loving his bath time and rather quickly outgrowing his bath seat.
We have even introduced a few bath toys! :)
I mentioned earlier that Will stays up extra late some nights for an extra bottle. This picture was taken at 10:30 pm. He was fighting sleep so bad that I just put him in the floor and let him play until he was tired. We are crossing our fingers that this doesn't become a habit, though I will admit that some nights, I like a little extra Will time - especially after a long day of work. Just means I get to spend a little more time with him.
These are some of the most recent pictures I have taken of him (last night). In just two days, he'll be 7 months old.
He hasn't gotten any more teeth as of yet (just the bottom two), but he spends a lot of time working on the ones to come...
Williams Stewart Laney - 6 months old
Before I end this post, I have to take a second to brag on Will's big sister. Anna Scott was our one and only for four long years before Will was born. What a big change it must have been to go from getting every piece of our attention to having to share the attention with someone who, quite frankly, needs lots of attention! Well, Anna Scott has been wonderful in every way. She is such a wonderful, sweet, and loving big sister. Will adores her. If she is in the room, his eyes are on her. He thinks she's funny.
Anna Scott and Will are precious individually, but the sweetest moments, the ones that tug at my heart the most, are their moments of interaction with one another.
Happy 6 months, Will Laney! We love watching you grow!
Hopefully, you'll grow big enough to play for the Crimson Tide one day.
You have a pretty good record for a tiny Bama fan!
Roll Tide!