Our Christmas 2015 was double the merry and double the fun! It was Will's first Christmas, therefore we had two babies to enjoy this season with, and we certainly felt more blessed than ever before. Most of the holidays were spent experiencing the joy of Christmas through the eyes of our children, however we did have a few nights to ourselves. We loved our date to Dr. Bibb Allen's radiology Christmas party.
I captured some pictures for our 2015 Christmas card.
Anna Scott (4) and William (6 months)
I love tradition. Each year, our Christmas traditions start the Friday after Thanksgiving when our elf on the shelf, Leon (Noel backwards - for those of you who do not recall) makes his first appearance and leaves the kids' first gift under our tree. The gift is usually something they can use during the upcoming Christmas season, like their Christmas pajamas or a meaningful ornament.
Leon is such a funny little elf. We have a good laugh every morning when we see what he is up to. Looks like he made some new friends on this early December morning.
Anna Scott was at good age to start helping me decorate for Christmas this year.
One of her favorite things to do this year was move the candy cane to the correct calendar date each morning. One day closer to Christmas...
William was too young to be a big help or move his candy cane, but he did appreciate the Christmas tree lights.

I am a working Mom, so crafting days are far and few between. (we have plenty of crafts to go around from pre-school anyway) However, I don't let that keep me from doing Holiday crafts with my children. I think it is fun and something important to do together. I especially love to decorate each season/holiday with crafts from years past. That goes for all holidays (not just Christmas).
Anna Scott colored and crafted a few ornaments to hang on her playroom tree this year.
We love the ice skating rink at Mama D and Papa's so I can't leave it out of this year's blog post.
Scott and Judson sang wonderfully at several events this Christmas. I always enjoy listening to them. They are awesome.
Scott also lead a wonderful Christmas special during his last year at Old Brashier's Chapel.
Our 2015 Santa picture was an easy one, as Anna Scott was old enough to love Santa and Will wasn't old enough to care.
Caroline did care, however. Bless her tiny heart.
Will still didn't care.
One of my all-time favorites. "Santa, I've been soooo good!"
I love comparison pictures.
Anna Scott's first Christmas - 2011 (7 months old)
William's first Christmas - 2015 (6 months old)
Anna Scott and McNeill adored Santa Claus. Sweet friends.
Love this picture of Mama D with her babies at an annual family Christmas get-together. Anna Scott can't help it. She's just being herself. (She gets it - and everything else - from her daddy)
Precious babies opening some of their first gifts this Christmas.
My grandmother gave everyone on my Mom's side of the family the perfect gift this Christmas. She rented a super nice cabin in the mountains so that we could all get away, relax, and spend some time together during the holidays. We knew where to find Granny during this vacation... the taffy store. For those of you who don't know, this is my mom's grandmother. My great-grandmother. Look at her. Amazing. We are so thankful for her health and her sound mind. I am praying I have her genetics. :)
The babies enjoyed playing together in the cabin.
They did a little relaxing themselves.
Anna Scott worked diligently building and decorating her gingerbread house.
On our way home, we stopped at the Chattanooga Aquarium.
Anna Scott enjoyed visiting a live nativity this year with some church friends.
If that face doesn't spell Christmas JOY?!?!?

Mountain Brook Baptist ELC Christmas program 2015
Anna Scott - 4 years old
She loved giving all of her school friends their reindeer food.
One evening, we came home to a little surprise from Leon.
Hershey kisses that led to a letter from Santa.
She had given Santa a letter when meeting him, in hopes that she would receive a letter in return. This was a precious moment, for sure!
Before we knew it, Christmas Eve was upon us.
Christmas Eve traditions are as follows...
1. Spread reindeer food over our entire yard so that Rudolph will see it sparkle.
2. Attend the Christmas Eve church service.
3. Bake sugar cookies for Santa.
(and leave his milk and cookies under the tree and stockings)
4. Make sure our stockings are hung by the chimney with care.
5. Say goodbye to Leon and his helper elves.
6. Read The Night Before Christmas and The TRUE Night Before Christmas - the story of Jesus's birth.
7. Get excited for Christmas morning!!!!!
8. Settle in for a looonnng winter's nap. :)

Finally, it's the day we have been waiting for!
Happy Birthday, Jesus! You are the reason for the season, and we are so thankful you came to this world and gave everything just to be with us!
Such a fun morning opening gifts from Santa. Nothing beats the excitement in their eyes!
Riding into the New Year! Here's to a great 2016!