Thursday, January 13, 2011

Smocking Birds

After hearing the news, "You are having a girl," I knew smocking classes were in my near future.  Yes I, who have never threaded a needle, am attempting to learn how to smock.  My sister will be taking the classes along with me.  We are quite the "Smocking Birds!" :)  I must say, it is an addictive hobby -- after our first basic smocking class last night, I cannot put down the needle and thread -- as if I needed one more thing to keep me busy :)  The Smocking Bird in Homewood offers the class (  We will start on our projects next week -- smocked bishop daygowns for the sweet baby girl.  Our goal is to have completed the gowns before she arrives in May.  Wish us luck and lots of patience!  I will keep you posted on our progress.  Happy Smocking!!

I am still tickled pink at the news of a having a baby girl!  In keeping with the smocking theme, here is a smocked Christmas dress I bought last week at Once Upon A Time.  She won't be able to wear this dress until her second Christmas, but I couldn't resist the dress or the sale price!  :)  


  1. I learned how to smock at The Smocking Bird and love it! And I was not in any way a seamstress before. Good luck and have fun!

  2. I think it's definitely a good idea to start picking up those smocked dresses at the deep discount prices when the seasons change. They're expensive! :)

  3. I learned to smock after lynn was born. Have many plates and such...even a pleater. Let me know if you need any help.
