Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jerry Jerry Fun!

The title of this post is to be explained later.  I did not mean to say "very very."  I do admit I will let a typo slip here and there, but this was meant to be.  :)

I want to take you on a Journey through January here at My Fair Laney.

Our month started out with lots of kitchen play.  Anna Scott is a great little chef.  Scott and I have enjoyed all of the delicious home cooked meals!  ;)  

Scott sure has enjoyed trying to sit at this little table for dinner.  :)

We finally moved the kitchen up to the play area and out of my den.  :)  Anna Scott has decided she needs the stool from her bathroom to help her reach the stove when cooking.  

On nights that Anna Scott decides not to prepare a meal, we enjoy family dinners around Birmingham. Kid friendly places, of course!  :)  Like this restaurant with the huge chalk board for drawing while waiting on our food.  A little boy drew the flower you see in the background.  So, Anna Scott said she wanted to draw rain to water the flower.  Her picture consisted of multiple little spots representing raindrops.  Easy enough!  

Aunt Allison and Uncle Alan took Anna Scott to Build-A-Bear.

First, she picked her favorite bear.

Next, she stuffed the bear with a soft and cuddly stuffing.

Then, gave the bear its very own heart  

and a good warm bath.

After the bear was squeaky clean, it was time to choose an outfit. 

 Anna Scott chose a pretty pink tutu.

Anna Scott named her new little friend "Honey Bear" and printed off her birth certificate.

Anna Scott and Honey Bear have become close friends.  She even took her bear to school one day.  She insisted that Honey Bear wear socks to school because it was so cold outside.  I got a pair of her old socks.  Was the best I could do.  What about a coat, a hat, some gloves?  Never mentioned.  Just socks.

Anna Scott's dance recital is in May, and they are getting little stuffed bears to dance with at the recital.  They were asked to bring a bear to dance class each week to start practicing.  Honey Bear was the perfect choice!  She already had a tutu and slippers!  These little ballerinas were tired after one of their Tuesday night rehearsals.

If Anna Scott is good at dance class and follows the teacher's instructions, she gets a little treat.  Well, one week, she got a BIG treat.  I told her she can have a few licks every now and then.  She may finish the sucker before she graduates high school.  :)

Anna Scott loves playing with these workout cords or as she calls them, "jump ropes."  Just thought this was a sweet picture.  

I love the evenings when she comes home from dance class and plays in her tutu. 

Being a good mommy has never come natural to Anna Scott.  She has always treated her babies kind of ugly with a definite lack of tender love and care.  However, I will say that lately, she has started to warm up to her baby dolls.  She may not always hold them correctly while feeding them their bottles, but she is holding them.  That's a step in the right direction.  :)

Anna Scott had a play date with her friend McNeill one Saturday morning.  I loved watching them play together.   When I told Anna Scott that Mc was coming over (the night before), she said, "I can't go to sleep!  McNeill is coming!"  :)

McNeill must have thought something was wrong with Anna Scott because she would rather read than play with baby dolls - like maybe she is missing a heart.  :)  So, she had to listen for a heartbeat.

Ok, so have you been wondering about the title of this post?  Not really?!  Well, I will tell you anyway.  I turned THIRTY years old on January 26th.  THIRTY.  THIRTY.  Yes, THIRTY.  Those who know me well know that when I was a little girl, I couldn't pronounce the word "January" very well.  When someone asked me when my birthday was, I would say, "Jerry Jerry 26th."  It is something we still smile and laugh about every year. 

As much as it blows me away at how fast time has flown, I will say that turning 30 was not so bad.  Just a time to reflect on how wonderful the past 30 years have been and to hope and pray that the next 30 are just as good as the last.  The first decade, I was surrounded by all of the love in the world provided by my mom, dad and younger sister, Allison.  The second decade, I met the boy who I would marry and who would make me the happiest girl in the world.  The third decade, I experienced the most precious gift when I became a mother.  What a beautiful story to tell.  

Scott took me shopping and to a movie Saturday afternoon (day before my birthday) and told me he had reservations at Highlands for dinner afterward.  I made it real easy for him and told him that I would like to run home and change clothes before dinner if that was ok.  He said that would be no problem.  When we arrived at our house for me to change my clothes, a big group of family and friends were waiting to greet me with, "SURPRISE!!!"  So, no dinner at Highlands, but this was much better!  There is nothing more precious than family and friends.  I could not imagine a better way to step into 30.

I didn't get a picture with most of you, but I am so thankful for everyone who came to celebrate with me!

On my actual birthday (Sunday) we enjoyed a birthday lunch with my family.

Isn't this a pretty cookie cake?!  My mom knows how much I love chocolate chip cookies!

Well, I am thirty and the world must move on.  So in other news, Birmingham experienced a "snowpocalypse" the week after my birthday.  On January 28th to be exact.  I think most of you are aware of the disaster and I know I will never forget, so I won't bore you with details, but needless to say, I was so thankful to be home with my family.  We even managed to have some fun in the snow.  

This was Anna Scott's third snow.  She saw her first snow on our Park City, Utah ski trip when she was 8 months old.  She was just a little snowball then.

We had a little cabin fever and went over to our neighbor's house to play.  Anna Scott loves playing with sweet little Andrew.   

Anna Scott was out of school a few days, so she and Daddy took me to work those mornings.  Scott felt that I was much safer in his four wheel drive than in my rear wheel drive.  Here she is still in her pajamas dropping mommy off at work one cold, snowy morning.

Just a side note, all of this cold weather and snow has not kept us from our Steel City Pops.  I think they are good, but my husband and daughter are crazy about them.  Scott's favorite flavor is carrot cake and Anna Scott's is strawberry or chocolate.

We took advantage of the warmer days in January and jumped at the opportunity to play outdoors.  

One of our most exciting happenings in January was our trip to the circus!  Anna Scott had VIP tickets and was able to party with the clowns, hop on some rides, jump in the bounce houses and eat all of the popcorn, cotton candy, hamburgers, hotdogs, circus food - you name it - before the circus even started. She had a BIG time.

Love that she is raising her arm in the picture below.

Here are a few random snap shots that really don't belong anywhere else.   

Well, that's a wrap!  Jerry Jerry has come and gone and it has been jerry jerry cold.  One more cold, winter month behind us.  We are ready for warm sunshine!

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