Tuesday, April 12, 2011


When I was a baby, Mom says I would stand at our window looking out, repeating the word, "Ouh-sigh..." (Outside) over and over again.  I have always loved being outdoors.  The sunshine and blue sky make even studying (which I am almost through with for a couple of months) seem a little more bearable!  And, along with my love for the outdoors, I guess it goes without saying that I love a clean, pretty yard with lots of color!  It just makes me happy.  We have not yet planted our impatiens, our crate myrtles and hydrangeas have yet to bloom, and the new azalea bushes nearest the house are not in full bloom this year, so we are lacking in color but we are getting there!  Here are some pictures of our "Ouh-sigh" this Spring...

I know it was hard to tell in the pictures above, but our yorkie Hobie is, well, where he always is...  on the back of our living room couch looking out the big front window.  It's like if he could only talk, he'd say, "Ouh-sigh..."  I feel so sorry for him because we can't go into the front yard without a leash due to our fairly busy road.  However, he has a huge fenced in back yard to run and play in and can relax under a nice, shady back porch when he is exhausted.  :)  He even has friends (much bigger than he, though he would beg to differ) in the neighboring yards!  We have had lots of time and the perfect weather to play outside recently.  I think these pictures of him on the back porch are the cutest...


  1. I love these pics of "ouh-side", but now I'm ready to see "in-side." We all need a peak at Miss Anna Scotts nursery!!

  2. I promise to share pictures when the nursery is ready! :)
