Monday, May 2, 2011

Praise You in this Storm

I am deeply saddened by the tragedy that hit our state on Wednesday, April 27, 2011.  I can't even begin to imagine what so many are going through.  My prayers go out to all who were affected by the events of that day.  His strength is perfect when our strength is gone.  May we all know and cling to His perfect strength during this trying time.

Below is the link to a video of pictures from the city of Tuscaloosa.  As I view these pictures, they represent all of the communities suffering greatly after the tornadoes that swept through our state that day, including my hometown, Arab, Alabama.  I love the words of the song played during the video, "Praise you in this Storm."  I have included the lyrics below.  My prayer is that, despite the heartache and tears, we will "praise him in this storm," for He is still the God of these cities, these people and this nation.  Greater things have yet to come!

I was sure by now, God, that You would have reached down 
and wiped our tears away; 
stepped in and saved the day. 
But once again, I say amen 
and it's still raining. 

As the thunder rolls,
I barely hear You whisper through the rain, 
"I'm with you."
And as Your mercy falls, 
I raise my hands and praise 
the God who gives and takes away. 

I'll praise you in this storm 
and I will lift my hands, 
for You are who You are 
no matter where I am. 
And every tear I've cried 
You hold in your hand.
You never left my side.
And though my heart is torn, 
I will praise You in this storm.

I remember when I stumbled in the wind. 
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again.
My strength is almost gone; how can I carry on 
if I can't find You? 

As the thunder rolls,
I barely hear You whisper through the rain, 
"I'm with you."
And as Your mercy falls, 
I raise my hands and praise 
the God who gives and takes away. 

I'll praise you in this storm 
and I will lift my hands, 
for You are who You are 
no matter where I am. 
And every tear I've cried 
You hold in your hand.
You never left my side.
And though my heart is torn, 
I will praise You in this storm.

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