Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It's a Match!

As you can tell from the photo above, Match Day was an exciting day for me.  I matched into Diagnostic Radiology at Baptist Medical Center in Birmingham.  My residency is 5 years long - the first year being a pre-lim/transitional year and then 4 years of radiology.  I will be doing my first year (transitional year) at Baptist as well.  I prayed for God to place us where we would be used for His glory and to make us at peace with His perfect plan.  I am thankful to be staying home, as I feel it is best for our family.  With that said, I now have a new home away from home.  Allison's soon-to-be husband, Alan matched into Emergency Medicine at University Medical Center in Jackson, MS.  They are excited about this journey and what God has in store for them.  It looks like I'll be singing "We're going to Jackson" a lot over the next few years!  We can't go too long without seeing Allison and Alan.

I would like to say a special "thank you" to my family.  There is no way I could have gotten through medical school without my husband, Scott.  Some say medical school becomes harder with the responsibility of marriage.  For me, it would have been impossible without it.  I can't begin to recall the numerous ways in which Scott has made this experience smooth sailing.  All I can say is that he is much of the reason I am where I am today.

My parents and sister have been a tower of support, strength, comfort, and love during my medical school experience.  I hit sinking sand several times during medical school (as everyone does), and without them, I would have surely sunk.  My dad is the role model that led me to choose the medical field, and my mom is the role model that led me to choose a medical specialty that will allow me to have a family and spend the most time with my children.  I have always wanted the best of both worlds... to be a good physician and integral part of the healthcare team, like my father, and to be a mom who is always there, like my mother.  They have made this possible for me, and I owe so much of my success to them.  

So thankful my sweet grandmother was there for Match Day.  I can't think of a special event in my entire life when she wasn't right beside me.  What a blessing she is to me and our whole family!  I know Papa was there in spirit and he is so proud.  I love and miss him every day.

Here are some pictures from this long-awaited day...

Announcing my match from the podium 

Signing my name on the map near Birmingham

Lunch celebration at Brio...

 A mouthful of cake!  :)

 Residency begins July 1, 2012.  I am looking forward to this new chapter in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Mary Catherine!!! I know this next chapter in your life is going to be such a wonderful adventure. :-) I wish you the best of luck with your residency!! (P.s. Anna Scott is such a precious little girl! It is so special that she got to be there for her Mama's Match Day!!)
