Monday, August 8, 2011

Beach Babe

Anna Scott made her second trip to the beach this weekend.  Her first trip was with my family in June (at 6 weeks old), and this trip with Scott's family (at 12 weeks old).  We have had so much fun!  I can only imagine the fun we'll have next year, when she is splashing the water and tossing the sand.  Scott and I have really enjoyed these vacations.  Being surrounded by free "babysitters" is not so bad!  :)  This was a big weekend for our Beach Babe!  She... wore... her...  itsy bitsy tini wini navy polka dot bikini (one piece).  She also put her little toes in the water for the very first time.  For a video of this sweet moment, click here.  Below are some pictures of the Laney beach trip.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love the one of the 3 of y'all on the beach. So good!
