Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 Months Old

Anna Scott turned 5 months old yesterday, October 10th.  Yes, she's FIVE months old and getting sweeter by the day!  As you may recall, she started rolling over at 4 months old.  For about two weeks, she would roll from her back to belly, only to be stuck and frustrated until we rolled her to her back again.  Now, she has no problem rolling over and over and over all by herself!  One of the sweetest parts of my day is walking into the nursery each morning to find her rolled onto her back and grinning from ear to ear.  I just look at her and think to myself, "What a wonderful world."  :)  I am so thankful that I am able to spend so much time with her this 4th year of school.  After I finish up my radiology rotation this week, I will be home until February (aside from traveling to residency interviews).  We are going to have lots of fun!  :) 

Anna Scott is such a happy baby.  She only fusses when she's tired or hungry (don't we all)!?  Otherwise, she is all smiles!  She is still sleeping through the night and loves her long afternoon nap.  She has started to drool and loves to clench her sweet gums on Sophie, a cold teething ring, or her fingers if that's all she can find.  Her first tooth has yet to shine, but it's only a matter of time.  She has found both feet, is using her hands more every day, and she is on the move, already dragging her belly to get to her toys.  I love how she rubs her eyes and turns her little neck to the right (always the right) when she is sleepy.  

Some of Anna Scott's favorite things are her bath time, Baby Einstein, her play gym, music and singing, being outside, stroller and car rides, our dog Hobie, Ellie the Elephant, Mollie the Monkey, Flutter the Flutterbug, Sophie the Giraffe (looks like a trip to the zoo is in our future), Wheel of Fortune, and last but not least, her WubbaNub.  So much for a "few" favorite things.  :)

Anna Scott had a very happy 5 month birthday.  She was spoon fed for the first time!  We will do a month of rice cereal and then start baby food at 6 months old.  Below are some pictures of her first spoon feeding.  You can also click here to watch a short video.  When her little bowl was empty, there was more cereal on her bib than in her tummy.  :) 

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie pie...and a BIG girl! I can't believe she's old enough to eat rice cereal. I need to see both of you soon! :)
