Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We've Been BOO-ed!!!

It happened to us!  Will it happen to you?!  :)  We found this Halloween bucket on our doorstep Monday morning.  It was filled with the goodies below.  The paper inside read, "You've been BOO-ed!" and had a poem of instructions for us to follow.  Looks like the one who BOO-ed us knows we have a little baby inside.

We anxiously read the instructions...

"The phantom ghost has come to town
to leave some goodies, I see you've found.
If you wish to make this a happier Fall,
continue this greeting, this phantom call. 

First, post this phantom where it can be seen,
and leave it there until Halloween.
This will scare other phantoms who may visit.
Be sure to participate, you don't want to miss it!"

So, we posted the phantom on our door!
Thank goodness we are safe.  :)

Instructions continued...

"Second, make two treats and two copies from www.beenbooed.com.
Deliver them to two others and try to stay calm.
Don't let them see you, be sneaky, no doubt,
and make sure they put their phantom ghost out!

You have only one day to act, so be quick!
Leave it at doors where the phantom hasn't hit.
Deliver at dark, when there isn't much light.
Ring the doorbell and run, and stay out of sight!"

So, we followed the rules and made two treats...

When the treats were packed and nighttime had come, the three of us jumped in the car to deliver the goodies.  We drove to the houses we had chosen, and Scott parked the car out of sight.  I ran, sat the treats on the doorsteps, rang the doorbells, and hurried back to the car so that we could drive off without being seen.  And, just like that, our mission was accomplished.  We had successfully BOO-ed our friends!

"And last but not least, come join in the season.
Don't worry, be happy, you need no good reason.
This is all in good fun.  We're just trying to say...
Happy Halloween & Have a Great Day!" 

Scott and I can't believe how much we enjoyed being BOO-ed and BOO-ing others!  We were very entertained, and Anna Scott loves her new Halloween book and rattle!  So, thank you to our friendly BOO-ers, whomever you are! 

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