Wednesday, April 11, 2012

11 Months Old

Anna Scott turned 11 months old yesterday, April 10th.  Just one month to go and we will be celebrating her first birthday!  It is hard to believe that a year can fly by so quickly.  Last Easter, I was 36 weeks pregnant and waiting anxiously for her arrival.  This Easter, my baby is all grown up!  :)

Anna Scott said her first word this month.  She has been babbling up a storm for several months (saying the usual mama, dada, nana, baba, etc), but I really didn't want to claim that she said her first word until she understood the meaning/association (at least a little).  So, the story goes... I was leaving Scott's parents' house for church one evening (while waving and saying "bye bye" to her as I always do), and she waved and said "bye bye" right back, not just once, but three times.  She still says it in context (when she wants to), so "bye bye" is her first word/phrase.  She is trying to say some other words now (doggy, ball, bath) and it is the most precious thing.  I love how her little brain grows every day.  :)

Anna Scott is blessed with such a cute personality.  I just thought Scott was funny.  :)  She is a ball of joy, and we have so much fun together.  She still loves bath time, watching her baby dvds, and being outside outside outside... did I mention being outside?  These are definitely her favorite things!  She also loves blowing bubbles, rolling her ball back and forth, and playing in her play pin with all of her toys.  Her favorite things to do outside are blow bubbles, swing, watch cars, and ride in her stroller.  Scott and I had to run 10 miles on Saturday morning to prepare for our 1/2 marathon coming up in a few weeks.  We took turns pushing her in the BOB stroller, and she did not make a peep the entire run!  She thought it was so much fun.  (Scott and I beg to differ)  :)

Anna Scott is so very sweet and is becoming more lovable every day.  She pats me on the shoulder and back now when I am holding her (loving me like she loves her babies).  She gives the sweetest kisses!  I could eat her sugar all day long.  Her smile (and her laugh) is contagious, and I love seeing those pearly whites shine each time she grins from ear to ear!  With that said, she can be a mess and throw fits with the best of them!  Her fits are still cute right now, but I'm afraid they will get less and less cute as time goes by.  For example, do not let these sweet pictures above fool you into thinking that I did not have to go to battle.  She wanted to touch her "11 months" sign and play with the camera and tear pages out of her bible and you name it, so she threw a little fit (and I took pictures!)  The first picture is when she threw herself back in the chair (which is what she does during a fit).  The second picture is just before she lost it.  The third is when she would not even let me see her face anymore.  :)

She has gotten two more teeth this month (for a total of 6).  She got her top two front teeth from Santa Claus and the two next to them from the Easter Bunny...  now, those are NOT good gifts!  Could be because of those little fits!?  :)  She is not walking yet, but she crawls faster than I can walk.  :)  I think she will be walking very soon, it's just a matter of her learning to let go.  Here are some pictures from the past month...

sitting on the quilt my granny made for her...

 play date with mcneill...

 waiting for daddy to get home...

 she loves him!

Well, that is all for now!  We have a very big weekend ahead of us.  Aunt Allison is getting married!!!!!!!!  (and we can hardly wait)  What a beautiful weekend it will be!  Easter pictures coming soon.  Here is a little preview...


  1. One more month! Lucy and I are looking forward to celebrating with Anna Scott at her party :)

  2. What a beautiful girl you have! Let me tell you...enjoy the next month. There is something about that first birthday that feels so good but hurts so bad. Growing up...they have to do it, but I wish we could keep our babies forever.
