Wednesday, June 13, 2012

13 Months Old and 6 Years Married

Anna Scott turned 13 months old on Sunday, June 10th.  Here is a little update...

At 13 months, Anna Scott is NOT walking.  She refuses.  She would rather crawl and that is that.  Last week, I looked at Scott and said, "I don't think she will ever walk," to which he replied, "How many people do you know who are our age and crawl?"  :)  I guess he is right.  She will walk eventually, but she is taking her precious time! 

I included two videos at the end of this post.  The first is of Anna Scott "walking" and pushing her cozy coup.  This proves we are closer than before, but not there yet.  It is a funny video, because you can tell that she is proud of herself, bless her heart.  

The second video is of Anna Scott reading her book on the way to the beach.  She loves to be read to and loves to act like she is reading.  If she wants me to read to her, she just gives me the book.  When I say, "The End," she usually hands the same book to me again (a few times), before switching to another.  She also loves to look at magazines.  On pretty days, we will go outside, sit on a blanket, and read.  I love this time with her.  

One of her favorite books is Goodnight Moon.  She knows what/where the moon is and loves to look for it at night.  She follows the directions in Pat the Bunny perfectly and now loves to smell all  flowers, not just the ones in the book.  :) 

Anna Scott says quite a few words.  Though they aren't all that easy to make out, I know what she means (most of the time).  She sees to it that I learn very quickly what it is she is trying to tell me.  :)  One funny phrase is "lordy, lordy, lordy," which she got from me and says pretty clearly.  Her favorite things are the outdoors, books, water, and music.  Anna Scott will hum and clap along to music, and this is so sweet.  She also dances to music.  "Dancing" consists of moving one knee in and out while shaking her little bottom.  Here are a few photos of her first dance with Daddy to "My Girl."  This is the song my dad and I danced to at my wedding...

Her favorite toy is any ball.  She is not really into all of the girly things like baby dolls etc, but she loves her big bouncy ball, her tennis ball, and anything round that she can throw.  Scott and I are impressed with how well she throws the ball.  She also loves to watch ball.  She watches basketball on television, and says "go go go!"  She loved watching the Alabama girls softball team win their first national championship.  Allison and I played tennis at the beach, and she watched us for an hour without blinking an eye!  I think we have a little ball player on our hands, which is ok by me.  :)  

Anna Scott is so lovable.  She smiles all of the time and loves to laugh (she is so ticklish!).  She really lets us know she loves us.  She has always given the sweetest kisses, but they are becoming more frequent and sweeter by the day.  Although, I will have to admit that if she is not in the mood to give a kiss, she will slap at the face of the person wanting one.  It is not very nice, but funny nonetheless.  My sister was the victim at the beach.  She got slapped multiple times.  :)

Anna Scott has been off of the bottle for 2 weeks now.  She takes her sippy cup like a champ.  This was a pretty easy transition for her.  It took her a little time to get used to the sippy cup, but letting go of the bottle was nothing.  She loves loves loves table food.  You can tell in the pictures that she eats very well.  :)  Her favorite foods are bananas, grapes, mac and cheese, pickles, crackers, lucky charms, and anything sweet.  

 She has 10 teeth!  She already cut two of her lower molars and is now working on the upper.  She takes one or two naps per day (usually one long afternoon nap) and sleeps well through the night. 

Scott and I also celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 10th.  We have been together for quite a long time.  We were high school sweethearts, dating 8 years before we were married, so 14 years total.  Words can't express how lucky/blessed/happy I am to be his wife.  I hope and pray that one day, Anna Scott will marry someone just like her daddy.

June 10, 2006

Here are some pictures that I have not yet shared (including those from memorial day weekend)...

Granmom and Grandad came to visit on Memorial Day.  They brought her this purple dinosaur that sings the ABC song.  We named him Barney.  On our way back to Birmingham that night, Barney sang the ABC song about 100 times.  :)  

Coming up:  lots of sweet friend photos and beach pictures!

Until then, here are the two videos I mentioned earlier:

Pushing car - click HERE
Reading book - click HERE

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